Ice skating, like all sports, have risk even with the use of The Whiz Trainer, hence these risks should be considered before you participate in the sport of ice skating. Even fully trained skaters have the risk of injury due to the nature of the sport which involves ice, which is slippery and there are metal blades. Accidents can occur through one’s own lack of skill and experience, or by collision with another skater. For this reason, skaters shall comprehend the existence of risk as skaters themselves or other parties are possible to cause accidents. Whiz Trainer Inc. the owner, or the management nor any staff of Whiz Trainer Inc. shall be liable for any accident or injury to any customer or third party when using The Whiz Trainer.
The Whiz Trainer Company is devoted to lowering the ice skating accident rate for children and the adults teaching them, overall, however is not liable if an offender that does not follow the rules of the regulated rink or another skating area and as a result causes an injury to him/herself or third party.
The Whiz Trainer company is not liable if the harness is not used properly as stated on website and on the image demonstration on packaging, if you do not check to see if screws and joints are tightened before use, if you do not ensure to be careful not to nick the ABS pipes with a skate while placing a child in The Whiz Trainer, and therefore resulting in an injured. We recommend that the child keep their skate guards on, until the adult places them in the trainer. The pipes are strong, however if hit with a sharp object, at a force, can be shattered.
A parent/guardian must supervise a child while using The Whiz Trainer and always be in sight of that child . Another child is forbidden to lift a child into the Whiz Trainer. If an injury occurs and these rules are not followed, the owner, or the management nor any staff of Whiz Trainer Inc. shall be liable for that accident or injury to any customer or third party when using The Whiz Trainer.
Parents/guardian shall comprehend the existence of the risks to themselves or their children who go ice skating. Injuries to the head, hands and bones can happen through improperly laced skates, lack of skating skills and experiences, collision with another skater, etc. For this reason, we caution parents to seriously consider the consequences before allowing your children to attempt the ice skating sport. Young children must wear snowsuit, socks, gloves and a helmet, while using The Whiz Trainer. Parents/Guardians must wear a helmet even if they do not have ice skates on when they go on an skating ice surface. If an injury occurs and these rules are not followed, the owner, or the management nor any staff of Whiz Trainer Inc. shall be liable for that accident or injury to any customer or third party when using The Whiz Trainer.
if parent/guardian or the child have any medical condition or are impaired that would mean they not fully aware of their surroundings and cognitive functions that results in an injury to yourself, child or third party, the owner, or the management nor any staff of Whiz Trainer Inc. shall be liable for any accident or injury to any customer or third party when using The Whiz Trainer.
Ensure to keep plastic bag that the product comes in away from a child. Plastic bags may cause suffocation. Whiz Trainer Inc. the owner, or the management nor any staff of Whiz Trainer Inc. shall be liable for any accident or injury to any customer or third party from the packaging of The Whiz Trainer.
Ensure to keep you hands, fingers and other body parts and that of a third party's, away from the folding/moving parts of The Whiz Trainer. This may cause injury to a body part and Whiz Trainer Inc. the owner, or the management nor any staff of Whiz Trainer Inc. shall be liable for any accident or injury to any customer or third party from the folding parts of The Whiz Trainer if you do not take caution when using the product.
In accordance with this disclaimer, neither the owner, the management nor any staff of The Whiz Trainer inc. shall be liable or responsible for an accident whether caused by the skater him/herself, or any collision with other skaters. The ice surface is extremely slippery and the blades on the skates can cause serious injury. Take these risks into account before one uses The Whiz Trainer.
The Whiz Trainer is to be used only on regulated ice rink surface. Unregulated ice surface may have large nicks and holes in the ice causing a potential hazard making the user stop abruptly creating a catalyst of events that would potentially cause one to fall on the product and break it, with the weight of their body. If you use this product on an unregulated ice surface Whiz Trainer Inc. the owner, or the management nor any staff of Whiz Trainer Inc. shall be liable for any accident or injury to any customer or third party from falling on a breaking it and you void you warranty for the product itself.
All buyers agree to accept unconditionally the terms of this Disclaimer.
Note: This disclaimer may be revised and/or amended from time to time by The Whiz Trainer inc. without prior notice to you