Whiz Trainer Skate Aid Story
When our son was three years old, I took him to “The Loop skating rink” to teach him how to ice skate. It wasn’t a very pleasant experience for either of us. My son wasn’t interested in participating and I had to carry him around the rink. It wasn’t very comfortable for my back and I feared we would both fall and get hurt. I said to my friend, “There must be a better way!” With the encouragement from our friend, the next day my husband and I went to the hardware store and put together our first prototype. On our next visit to the “The Loop” we took the first Whiz Trainer prototype with us. It was amazing how much fun the experience was for us. Brady even pulled his older brother around the rink. He was able to achieve his first goal of moving forward and to stand on skates without fear. Realizing this we decide to develop the concept further.
We are so grateful for all the support we have received from different organizations that helped us to bring the idea to reality. It's so great to know that there is lots of support. If you have an idea and need direction on how to bring it to light or you have questions about our product and the Whiz Trainer skate aid story, please feel free to contact us by phone at 709-689-2126 or toll-free at 1-877-623-2018. You can also email us at whiztrainer@gmail.com and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Gina and Adrian Noordhof, entrepreneurs
You can view our products by visiting our store. We’ve provided instructions for the Whiz Trainer on our Support page as well as a video so you can see it in action!